Taking pictures has been something I have annoyed my friends and family with since I bought my first camera as a teenager. I just recently decided to make it a career- I have had great friends and family who have let me practice on them and even help me get setup. I am forever grateful for their love and support. I'm looking forward to catching those special moments so you will have them now and forever. I am available by e-mail elyserawlins@yahoo.com or you can leave a comment here!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Year In the Life

Sitting here thinking about my birthday this weekend. Another year has almost passed me by. Twenty-two was a pretty unforgettable year.
In chronological order.

Celebrated another yeat. Changed my name (finally after nearly 2 years). Walked in graduation ceremony. Left a job where a part of my heart will always remain they are truely my family and will always be so special to me. Started a new career where didn't know anyone. Found a group of friends who have helped me experience and discover more of who God wants me to be. The Holy Spirit stirs inside me. Attending church and bible studies everytime they are offered and truely my life becomes devoted to Christ Jesus. Realize expectations I should be striving to live up to. Lead a Bible study for the first time for half of summer. Pride. God opens my eyes even more. Challenged by my Redeemer, find myself weak and realize He knocks me to my knees so that He is my strength. Insecurities are filled with love and desperation for more of Him. A precious friend from high school invites me to Prayer... the longing for Jesus Christ grows more desperate. Praying becomes my life and my constant conversation. Hear the Holy Spirit more than anytime in my life.. Imagine that- you start a conversation with your Lord and He hears your every word and plea and responds with every prayer because you are no longer praying for you you are praying for His kingdom and His glory. The enemy creeps in. Become filled with hurt and abandonment. Encouraged by God and His Wotd. Life becomes fast pace..... Church, Refuge, football game, Bible Study, work out, work. Slowly priorities change and the voice isn't as clear. Something is missing. Battle with doubt and desertion. Struggle to find hope. Brother gives his life to Christ. A peek of restoration. Family Reunion. Cousin finds out she's pregnant! Another Blessing. Christmas. New Years. Find passion in photography and find motivation to explore career oppurtunities. Encouraged by God's people. Pass the encouragement to husband to pursue a career with food. Register him for culinary school starting in January. Travel across a few states for the National Championship. Being away from life's surroundings and being in the car for 48 hours (there and back) alot of time for reflection and soul searching. Husband finds part-time job at Fish Market working some nights and weekends. He is now enrolled in school, working for his dad, and working at Fish Market. Surprisingly he's still there for me when i need him as well. He's human and we have moments of where we just want to get away- but he has gone far beyond the call of duty and I respect him for not only what he does but for the determination and passion he has for being an oustanding husband and an even better man of God. Find hope again in small things. Little by little the process starts to come back. Brother gets engaged to one of God's most precious people. SPRING BREAK Much needed get away with some of God's greatest encouragers.Beautiful weather a night of dancing and karaoke and tons of volleyball on the beach. Back to work force feeling refreshed and ready to go. Find purpose again. Easter with family who havent spent Easter with in 10 years.. Seriously best Easter. Tragedy hits our state with full force tornados all over Alabama. Deaths increase and devastation invades communities. Hope is found in the large amount of recovery efforts and support from neighbors and citizens of Alabama and other states. An earthly enemy is killed. Mixed feelings on how I'm "suppose" to feel. Supportive of the men and women who fight each day for our freedom and safety. Praying for the husbands and wives and family members who have or had a soldier over seas battling wars beyond my imagination. Cannot "rejoice" in someone's death no matter how evil and corrupt they have made our world. I am proud of our country and that the enemy is no longer a threat. But I will save my rejoicing for my Saviour. Praying desperately for fears to be cast away.
Thanking God for His mighty presence in my life. Inviting Him to help me discover His plan for me and that I am not led astray. The Holy Spirit is challenging to be more in His word and I am excited to discover more of Him. Thanking Jesus for 22 years and this year of great experiences with Him.